Sunday, December 19, 2010

235th Marine Corps Birthday

This year was by far the most fun I’ve had at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball in all the years I’ve been a proud member of the Corps.  The food was good, the guest speaker was colorful and humorous, the music was well done and the venue wasn’t too bad.  All in all, it was a delightful time.  It did, however, have a few off key notes.

What I detest, and what really brings my evening down, are the following things:

1)       When Marines become so inebriated, in public and in uniform, that they cannot control their faculties.  It is shameful and embarrassing.  Behavior such as that casts a dark shadow on the Corps.  I think it is generally accepted that Marines are a rowdy bunch, but there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed.  Some Marines, regardless of age and/or rank, are so immature that they have no comprehension of where that line lays.  It’s a very sad commentary on them.
2)       Marines who speak poorly of our traditions, i.e. – the Birthday Ball.  Usually these are junior personnel who have no concept of tradition and/or legacy, but it still trouble me.  Have they no sense of the great thing they are a part of?  The wear the title of ‘Marine’, American’s finest, but the whine and gripe like little children.  They speak poorly of things they do not understand and scoff at the sentiment the senior personnel display.  Be ye warned, if you are one of these Marines … keep away from me.  Put up, shut up, or get out … but stop bringing down the Marine Corps because you are sad and pathetic.

Aside from those two things … I thoroughly enjoyed myself! 

Krista looked absolutely beautiful in, what I would describe as, a sophisticated jazz singer style evening gown with hints of modern seduction.  The black gown was form-fitting but allowed her to dance.  The fabric praised her silhouette and the diamond-like rhinestones sparkled brilliantly, drawing the eye to places it ‘should’ take notice of … but perhaps not linger to be caught.  Her hair was pulled back and slightly to the side, her curls cascading down onto her shoulder.  Black flowers and feathers tucked into her hair were unique and elegant.  Watching her move was like watching richly flavored cigar smoke wind its way about a dimly lit dance hall of the 1920’s:  You didn’t know where she came from, but she was so smooth, enticing, inviting and so irresistible that you had to watch and figure out how you could be a part.  She was stunning.  


The evening went as many Marine Corps Balls do, full of pomp and circumstance, but it was the moments that she and I shared on the dance floor that I most appreciated.  The way she responded to my lead, the way she inspired my body to compliment her steps, they way we locked our gaze … it’s our time.

In addition to the festivities of the Birthday we ventured from the venue in Primm, NV east to Las Vegas and enjoyed strolling around the city.  We ate at the Bellagio and toured the shops in both Miracle Mile and the newer City Center complex.  We took pictures of anything and everything that caught our eye.  We weren’t able to see any shows this time, but we enjoyed the opportunity to visit that wonderful town.



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