Thursday, December 30, 2010

Back In My House Again! (sang to the tune of the 80's song!)

So, I’m back at home in California and the weather has been …. questionable.  Last night we didn’t receive a lot of rain, but the winds were reminiscent of the pre-tornado winds back east.  The dogs were quite intrigued by all the noises outside, and there were noises ALL night long!  The wind never let up until this morning.  Then again, I think that’s when they let up, I was asleep.

Yes.  I got to sleep in!  Well, I slept in the bed last night and on the couch this morning, but I’ll get to that in a minute.  I got to sleep in!  I woke up at 0630, took the dogs out, curled up on the couch and woke up again at 1030.  It was awesome.

Why the couch, because Martini is sick and I’d rather be downstairs than upstairs in the bedrooms when she had her next diarrhea episode.  Therefore, after cleaning up two messes last night, walking the dogs this morning, scrubbing out their crate, I grabbed a blanket and put the two lil’ dachshunds on the couch with me and went to sleep.  It was an evil plan, they thought I was getting super lovey-dovey, but I just wanted to wake up when either one of them moved and avoid further soiling of the new carpet.

So that’s the tail of Martini, no pun intended.  Additional stories of ill women in the household include that of Krista, who spent ten hours in the ER the other day!  Yeah, I know!!!  I get a phone call in the middle of the night from Krista that she is driving herself to the ER.  She’s doubled-over in pain and has vomited several times.  I, of course, end up 2,000 miles away when this happens and begin to freak out.  She gets to the hospital and they medical staff is FAILRY certain it’s an appendicitis.  Over the next ten hours, two doctors and a shift change … the medical staff can obtain no confirmation of appendicitis from the CT, Ultrasound or the blood work.  So they shot her full of drugs and sent her away!

Krista has done well over the last few days and seems to be recovering from the mystery ailment that landed her in the ER and convinced the doctors it was appendicitis, but turned out not to be.  Dum dum duuuuuuum.  Where’re the Mystery Machine and those pesky kids when you need them?

And back to me sleeping in.  I’m off for the New Year holiday.  I got out of work yesterday at noon, came home, wrapped Christmas presents and have been enjoying the relaxation of a holiday spent going nowhere.  I LOVED my trip beck to Ohio, but it’s time for a break from travel.  Later today I plan on going to Lowe’s and purchasing some wood for a decorative project here at the house.  After that I will maybe exercise, call Krista and find out what I’m supposed to be doing with the meat in the refrigerator, and then do NOTHING!  Oh wait, we pay bills tonight, but that won’t take long … then back to NOTHING!  It’s a good day.

It was an awesome Christmas too!  Thank you to everyone for your wonderful gifts and support.  There’s a very funny CD set from the folks, a ski trip from the Curran/Davis Grandparent, gift cards from Siblings, dish sets and baking set from the folks, books, pictures, cards, etc!  What an awesome holiday.

There are no New Year’s Eve plans, as everything was canceled because we thought Krista was going to have surgery, so the leisurely lifestyle should continue right on through.  Actually, I think we’re going to dinner, a movie and back home to a big blanket and some champagne.  To be honest, it’s a New Year’s that is quite fitting, and should be more than enjoyable.  (If you've got a good idea, let us know for consideration, we're game for anything!)

Well, that’s it.  Take care, God bless.


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