Monday, December 27, 2010

Over the River and Through the Woods

The last several days have kept me quite busy traveling from one gathering to another and attempting to organize folks to collate for brief session of catch-up and I drive through town.  I have been well rested at times and I have been absolutely exhausted at other s.  Regardless of time spent on the road, inclement weather, and/or fatigue, this vacation has been a lot of fun and very fulfilling.

As I drove along Ohio State Route 23 northwest headed back towards Bowling Green, I turned in a country music radio station, set the cruise control, and enjoyed the farmhouse-dotted snow-covered landscape.  All the while I kept thinking, “I can’t wait to show this to Krista”.  I’ve had that thought a lot this trip, that or, “I can’t wait until she can experience this”.

I consider myself a lucky human being.  I’ve had a great childhood, full of adventure and discovery.  My parents are wonderful people who did their best at raising my brother and me.  Turns out, they did a phenomenal job!  I don’t say that to win favor, but because I know how much of a brat I was as a child!  (and can still be)  Seriously, my parents were, and are, some of the most amazing people I know.  I also grew up with a brother who stuck by me through everything, no matter how many times we got into fights which resulted in me pummeling him.  His capacity for grace and understanding is mind-boggling.

As I reflect on the facts of my life; the people who raised me, my extended family, my friends, the places I’ve lived, the travels I’ve made, the opportunities I’ve had; I realize that I want to share these with Krista because it is those things which help comprise the whole of the person I am today.  There are parts of my life which are not so great, that are over and done with, and should remain as such.  Krista is aware of those emotional boxes sitting on the shelves of my mind, and she respects my desire to leave the boxes there: dealt with and stored to never repeat.  But the majority of my life is something that I consider blessed to have experienced and holds many things which fascinate Krista, bits and pieces of who I am that might give her deeper understanding of me.  These are the parts I am excited for her to experience.

Krista has never ‘seen’ snow; my family loves the snow and participates in many winter time activities.  Krista has never really ventured out of California; I’ve been all over the place, three different continents to be precise!  There are places like Breckenridge, CO and Plevena, ONT that hold special place in my heart, and these are destinations that I want her to experience so she can understand why they impact me as they do.  I watch her eyes light up as I tell her stories of Canadian wilderness vacations with the Davis’ and Colorado ski trip misadventures with the Metherds.  She sits, fully mentally engaged, as I share tales of college and my youth in Ohio.  She is SINCERELY interested, which excites her and excites me, as it is something completely new to me.

This past Christmas was dedicated to my family, as they have endured hard times with me and needed a drama-less holiday.  Folks received our Christmas card and spoke to me in aside, but the majority of the holiday was focused on immediate family and maximizing the time I had with them.  I love and respect my family, and I hope that they understand my efforts to maintain focus this trip.  It is also my hope that during the course of 2011 my family can become better acquainted with Krista, as I intend to start exposing her to some of the experiences and places from my past.

I know, because I grew up a Davis/Curran, that there is a place in every family for someone like me … which means that there is MORE than enough room for someone like Krista!  (as she is, better than I in many many ways)  It’s a prayer of mine that her place in my world would become more apparent and readily accessible to the rest of my family and friends.  One day, I hope, she and I would become like happy spirits … drifting  from the Davis world to the Hoffmann world, to the Curran world to the Ortega world, to the Wells world to the realm of Friends with the greatest of ease.  Never disrupting anything as we go, welcomed by those we visit because of the joy we bring.

I am a happy person, but I am a person of unrest.  As time passes, and I see my hopes and prayers manifested, I have faith that I will find peace.  Until then, I keep rolling with the punches, keep my wits about me, and push on through.  My family is behind me supporting, Krista is next to me encouraging, and a brave future waits before me.  These are good times.


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